Making the big time?

Who knew the Utne site had blogs? They do, including one on spirituality, and we made it with a story I put in our Winter 2007 “Reflections” section: Suicide, Faith, and Compassion

Kate Braestrup encountered this sad reality in her work as a chaplain for game wardens, an experience she recounts in an excerpt from her memoir, Here If You Need Me, published in the UU World, a publication of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.

One Reply to “Making the big time?”

  1. I’m here by way of Velveteen Rabbi. Thanks so much for this post and links. I had looked at that book in a bookstore in the last few weeks and hoped to be able to buy it sometime. What I read made a deep impression on me.

    Thanks also for posting “People in Order.” I put it up on my blog, too.

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