Comment period on DHS HIV travel restrictions

The GayCityNews has information on how to register a comment on proposed regulations concerning the entry of people who are HIV-positive into the United States (comments close December 6):

Individuals who wish to protest the harsh new DHS regs on HIV-positive travel may submit comments online . . . — but to do so you must include the docket number of the proposed regs, USCBP-2007–0084.

Select the pull-down for Department of Homeland Security-All, and at the bottom, select Docket ID and paste in the number. You can read the proposed regulation as well as previous comments (which include such sentiments as “i oppose giving any visas for aliens with hiv. none should be given. the law as it stands keeping them out is a good, sound, healthful one. there is no reason to change it.” and “I OPPOSE ANY CONSIDERATION OF CASE BY CASE BASIS. KEEP ALL WITH HIV OUT OF THIS COUNTRY.” Such are our fellow citizens.)

(Hat tip to Andrew Sullivan for keeping this before us.)

Thank you President Bush

As much as I despise almost everything he has done while in office, credit where credit is due: President Bush Attends Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony Honoring the Dalai Lama

I congratulate His Holiness on this recognition. I’m so honored to be here with you, sir. Laura and I join all Americans in offering the people of Tibet our fervent prayer that they may find days of prosperity and peace.

While Bush’s speech shares some of the inconsistencies of his presidency, it is worth noting that while several U.S. presidents have met with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, George Bush is the first to appear in public with him.