2008 technology: Android G1 phone

I’ve had this phone for a while now, and I’m still learning things about it. The “market” of applications is undergoing constant change, both additions and updates. It is obvious that Android is in its infancy.

Things I like about my phone:

  • the camera is pretty good (my Blackberry didn’t have one at all)
  • integration of Google mail, contacts, calendar, and maps is excellent
  • good sound quality on calls

Things I’m not a fan of:

  • the flip-out screen to reveal the keyboard feels loose; I fear it’s insecure
  • no touch-screen keyboard available
  • lousy ringtones
  • fairly short battery life (apparently you need to completely cycle it about once a month)

Nifty software I haven’t used much yet:

  • barcode scanner
  • voice recorder
  • Shoutcast streams

One Reply to “2008 technology: Android G1 phone”

  1. One thing I forgot to put on the dislikes list: non-Google email. Neither the standard email program nor the one I’ve downloaded works well as an IMAP mail client. The number one complaint: They don’t delete messages off the server when they are deleted on the phone.

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