My life in six words

James Ford tagged me with this little meme:

1. write the title to your own memoir using six words.
2. post it on your blog.
3. link to the person that tagged you.
4. tag five more blogs.

My title: Following the current: eddies and floods

And my tags:

  • Doc Smartypants (who desperately needs to blog instead of writing for
  • Blaugustine (that would be my Blaugustine, not the other one)
  • Suttonhoo (because I don’t know her at all, but admire her photography and of course covet her online handle)
  • Claire Bear’s mom (just because!)
  • Otenth Paderborn (ha! that gives me five more tags, all virtual worlders)

4 Replies to “My life in six words”

  1. I’m the “other one”.

    You might be interested in an article I wrote, published in yesterday’s Guardian newspaper (UK): “Where are all the older female geeks?” Among other things, I talk about when and how I started my Blaugustine blog. The article can be read online at Guardian Unlimited, in the magazine section, G2.

  2. whoa — I’m way behind. traveling here in a few days too, and entirely scattered until then, so I don’t know that I’ll be mem’ing before I go — will give it a shot when I get back. 🙂

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