
My first experiences with friends having babies is now in the teens years ago. But a new crop of friends (and my sister!) have been having babies, and this time there’s the joy of mommyblogs. My favorite entries are often the self-confessedly sappy ones like this: Nice work if you can get it.

Whether she ever sleeps through the night or not (I pray the former) the real truth of it is this: the moments I am lucky enough to spend with my sleeping child in my arms will be among the sweetest of my life.

I have such fond memories of when my friend Sam (he of the now teen years) was a baby and Barbara watched him on the mornings she and I had our weekly breakfast, and sometimes on an after-breakfast walk he would fall asleep in my arms as I carried him.

One Reply to “Mommyblogs”

  1. Hi Kenneth,

    I hope you read the comments to your blog, since I would love to catch up. Lets see it has only been 22 years so I am sure a few things have happened since then. take care Lynn

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