Visiting Brawley

I flew home to California to see my family at the end of last week, and I took a few pictures to give an idea of where I grew up. Here are a few pictures taken just a few miles west of my parents’ home (they live in town).




This photo was taken driving east toward the Chocolate Mountains. You can see the Algodones Sand Dunes just before the mountains.


Here’s the lifeblood of Imperial Valley:


And here’s my family:


Me with my parents.


My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew.

2 Replies to “Visiting Brawley”

  1. I want to thank you for posting these pictures. I’ve been away from home since the end of May. I should be home in the middle of November,I sure do miss it. I’m from Westmorland where my house is and I travel alot in the produce industry. Please keep more pictures coming. Thanks Again Doug

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